EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Help, Helps Christ helped such as needed 2T 75    [67]
       planned for, in opposing Satan TDG 209.3
       wants us to ask for UL 107.4
    God who holds all in His hands provides our OHC 265.3
    grace needed for giving UL 123.3
    happiness from giving, to others OHC 164.4
    Heaven has a never-failing supply of OHC 117.4;RC 197.6;
    Holy Spirit works in soul that seeks TMK 236.4
    human, point beyond which, cannot avail OHC 362.3
    in Christ RC 21.5
    light of heaven falls on those seeking UL 107.6
    look above earthly, or apostles to Christ TDG 289.6
    need of, not always felt UL 269.3
    people needing, may not come to you HP 320.3
       if we will accept it LHU 176.3
       those who seek God with the whole heart OHC 107.4
       by soul feeling need HP 89.4
       from worldly people for advancing God’s cause CC 263.4
    safety in looking to God for, at any time TDG 199.2