EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Heaven (place)   [708]
       resulted from Satan’s work against Christ TDG 256.3
       See also Heaven, rebellion in
    way/path/road to,
       called the narrow way HP 266.3
       choice of weeping and groaning or rejoicing in OHC 245.5
       Christ is OHC 11.4
       dark or bright depending on light from church TDG 81.2
       Deity could traverse, before the fall OHC 66.2
       divine agencies aiding human effort along TDG 286.5
       hypocrites would travel, if easy UL 109.5
       is cross-bearing way—rest not to be expected RC 350.2
       many think they are on, by belief without obedience FW 32.3
       marked out by God above the ladder OHC 68.3
       narrow but truth illuminates it TDG 140.5
       narrow, hedged in by the divine law TDG 108.6
       no smoother than in Christ’s day OHC 155.5
       plain to those who use knowledge faithfully HP 153.2
       pointed out in John 3:1-16 FW 63.1
       rough and discouraging, but Christ is sure Guide OHC 25.3
       rough but safety in Christ RY 155.1