EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Heathen abominations of, prevailing in Israel during apostasy PP 337    [159]
    knowledge of God given by Israel to, during Babylonian captivity DA 28
    led to embrace a part of Christian faith EW 210
    living up to all light she had, widow of Zarephath was AA 416;DA 238;PK 129;3T 274;
    Luke’s med. miss. work among MH 141
    men whom God used to give His blessings to PK 479
    many, led to recognize Israel’s God as Supreme Ruler PK 369
    many professed Christians little above, in habits MYP 237
    many sincere, accepted promise of Redeemer by contact with Israel DA 28
    marriage with: common after Solomon’s apostasy FE 499
       Esau’s PP 179
       God’s people forbidden to enter into 4aSG 100
       Hebrew language corrupted as result of PK 661-2
       Ishmael’s PP 174
       Israelites forbidden to enter into 2SM 121-2
       Israelites led into idolatry by PP 260
       Jacob’s children tempted to contract PP 332
       nobles of Judah entangled in PK 657-8, 669-70, 673-5
       results of PK 657-8
       Samaritans were mixed race resulting from PK 567, 674-5
       Samson’s PP 562-3