EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Gospel worker, Gospel workers 7BC 969;5T 721-9;    [1417]
    deficient in school education sometimes have been wonderfully successful MH 151
    desiring: fixed amount to do and fixed salary, God cannot pour out abundant blessings on MH 499
       wisdom more than wealth, power, or fame will not be discouraged PK 31
    devoted and pure, God calls for 5T 580
    dictatorial, not needed in God’s work LS 275
    disabled, funds should be raised to provide care for 7T 294-6
       sanitarium’s duty to 7T 292-4
    discontented, what to do re 7T 280
    discouraged, whom God regards with tenderest pity PK 172
    dissatisfied with his work SD 97
    dry and formal, too much education in minutiae makes 4T 601
    dwarfed in intellect TM 303
    earnest and humble, needed to carry gospel to higher class AA 140
    earnest and zealous, needed to minister to spiritual wants of people 2T 649
    educated: advancement of God’s cause is hindered by dearth of FE 217
       can accomplish more for Christ than the uneducated can COL 333;MH 150;
       dearth of GW 93
       give character to present truth in new fields 6T 137
       need of many CT 204
       SDA must devise ways and means to bring forth corps of CT 42