EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Gospel accepted by many people as way of escape from suffering COL 47    [520]
    blessings offered through, great supper in parable represents COL 222
    borne to world by toil, sacrifice, peril, and losses of worldly goods 5T 86-7
    can never be in harmony with spirit of world DA 509
    can prove its own divinity to humble and contrite mind 1SM 245
    cannot be rightly presented without God’s law COL 128
    cannot excuse sin DA 811
    carry, forward by aggressive warfare DA 678
       to uttermost parts of earth DA 827
    Christ came to preach COL 254
    Christ commissioned His disciples to preach, to all nations FE 201
    Christ ordained that succession of men should proclaim Ev 544
    Christ planned for Israel’s leaders to carry, to world DA 231
    Christ preferred to take, to the poor than to occupy highest place among Jewish teachers MH 20-1
    Christ typified in rites and ceremonies of Jewish law is same One revealed in PP 373
    Christ would have suffered and died if but one soul would have accepted MH 135
    Christ’s ambassadors are to preach, to perishing souls CH 499
    church must realize its obligation to carry, of present truth to every creature 6T 296
    church’s mission is to carry, to world SC 81
    claims of, men who would not imperil their worldly prospects by giving attention to COL 224
    closing message of, must be carried to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people 7T 51