EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Gentile, Gentiles   [80]
    Christ’s purpose for Jews as His messengers to DA 351
    earnest of Christ’s work for, healing of centurion’s servant was DA 317
    fierce national pride and prejudice of Jews toward DA 240
    giving gospel to, third call to feast represents COL 309
    God’s plan for, outlined in OT prophecies AA 376
    gospel work for, Paul did not present God’s law first in Ev 230
       problems faced by early church in AA 161
    hopes and promises once belonging especially to Jew are now offered also to AA 373
    Israel led, to misinterpret God’s character COL 293
    Jewish prejudices and exclusiveness re, gospel destroyed SR 291
    Jews denied God’s mercy to COL 219;DA 29, 204;
    Jews depended on, for services which their rules forbade them to do for themselves DA 204
    Jews excluded, from God’s promises SR 285-6
    Jews regarded, as unclean DA 150;SR 285;
       as perishing from diseases of soul DA 275
    light to, Israel was appointed to be 4BC 1156
    made fellow heirs with Jews to blessings of salvation AA 135;DA 402;
    many, listened with interest to preaching of apostles AA 136
    ministration of apostles to AA 175
    Moses was shown, turning to Christ PP 476