EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Flesh food, Flesh foods   [511]
       not for their best good 4aSG 18
       under careful restrictions DA 617;MH 311-2;
       with God’s curse 3T 171
    not in harmony with health reform principles CD 319, 401
    not most wholesome of diets CD 394
    not necessary CD 387
    not right where fruits, grains, and nuts are abundant 9T 159
    persons who plead for indulgence in CD 384
    physicians should not prescribe CD 294, 448
    positive testimony against, borne by JW and EGW in presenting health message 3T 21
    reason teaches that, not as advantageous as supposed CD 397
    serious question re CD 388
    SDA should not subsist on CD 82, 294
    SDA who follow CD 400
    stimulates, but does not give strength CD 448
    students affected by CD 395
    sweet cakes and pastries generally more harmful than CD 334
    teachers affected by CD 395
    testimony re advantages of, should have no weight with SDA MM 276
    unfit for Christians CD 414