EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Father, Fathers   [293]
    support family 2T 255
    sympathize with children in their little troubles AH 220
    take time to study children’s nature and needs CT 127
    talk and pray with children CG 286-7
    teach sacredness of Sabbath to children 2T 701-2
    unbend from false dignity AH 220
3. Miscellaneous AH 211-2
    acquaintance with physical law is needed by MH 373;2SM 429-30;
    all members of family center in 1T 547;2T 701;
    arbitrary rule of, family happiness marred by 4T 126
    arbitrary spirit exercised by 4T 126-7
    as faithful shepherd, helpful lessons for MH 374
    as head of household MH 390
       Abraham’s example of MH 390-1;PP 141-4;3T 59;
       responsibilities of AH 221;MH 390-2;
    as “house-band” of family AH 215, 225-6;1T 547;2T 701;
       binding children to God by faith 4T 616
       in ancient times AH 324;PP 141, 144, 279, 350;
       must confess to God sins committed by himself and children 2T 701