EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Father, Fathers   [293]
       correct children while he is in passion AH 314-5
       discourage children MH 391
       let business vexations mar home life AH 214
       yield parental authority on any point AH 212
    neglect of child training by, regarded by God as sin FE 66
    overwork makes, nervous, impatient, and exacting 2SM 429
    outbursts of passion by, in disciplining children 4T 369
    perplexities of, should not be brought home ML 198;2SM 439;
    perverse temperament of, seen in children 4T 499
    physical laws with which, should be acquainted MH 373
    prodigal son’s, pity and compassion of COL 203-4;3T 101-2;
    religious duties neglected by 5T 425
    represents divine Lawgiver in family AH 212
    requirements of good and wise, worthy of strict obedience PK 425-6
    responsibility(s) of AH 211-5
       for child’s earlier training Ed 276
       for education of sons PP 575-6
       for religious training of children AH 216
       man who should not have assumed FE 65-6
       to spend time with family 2T 224