EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Dress See American costume; Clothing; Reform dress   [59]
       easier for John the Baptist in the wilderness CC 270.4
       provides time to visit afflicted OHC 272.6
       shows moral worth; like the flowers OHC 272.5;3SM 242.2;
       testimony from Word of God needed on 3SM 253.1
    sinful, accountable for good not done because weakened by HP 192.3
    skirt length in, shown to Ellen White by examples not in inches 3SM 277
    style of, Ellen White was not given, as an exact pattern for all 3SM 254.1
    style of, test not to be made of,
       given as blessing 3SM 253.1
       storms are ahead; (1897) 3SM 252.4
    tastefulness in, not to be despised or condemned OHC 272.4
    truth brings reformation of OHC 34.3
    unpretending, indicates moral worth 3SM 242.2
    untidiness in, brings reproach against the truth RY 70.3
    violating moral obligations in, risks eternal interests TMK 317.3
    wealthy should spend as stewards for; poor tempted 3SM 244.2
    work and worry of, causes fatigue, shortness of life, etc. HP 115.4
    world’s standard of, aped by many; others influenced 3SM 243.3
    See also Clothes; Display; Fashion, Fashions