EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Distress blessing for persons giving feasts to help people in ML 240    [32]
    seek relief in Christ when in 2T 119
    souls in, nigh and afar off PK 232
    think not on things that bring 2T 319
    time of, Christ our Source of strength in 2T 205
       Habakkuk foretold DA 122
       seek God in 2T 106
    unbelieving world will soon experience 1T 268
    what to do when in MYP 107-8
    what would well-nigh banish, from earth GW 385-6
    world will be involved in CH 504
    you may have to suffer, to be true to God Ev 241
    See also Affliction; Difficulties; Hardship; Misery; Misfortune; Sorrow; Suffering; Trial; Trouble; Wretchedness