EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Delusion, Delusions acceptance of, rejection of light leads to PP 96    [88]
    among Millerite Adventists after 1844 EW 62
    among SDA, will multiply as end nears 7BC 952
    bewitching, in courtship 5T 110
    Christian’s duty re CH 285;2SM 98;
    dangerous, of person considering himself superior in judgment 5T 247
    every species of, being brought in now Ev 247
    fascinating, of men who have once known the truth 8T 249
    fatal: favored now by many professed Christians GC 46
       mother’s self-deception that is 2T 315
       that SDA are too narrow in their ideas 5T 587
    God’s love is impregnable fortress against MB 119
    God’s word is defense against SR 398
    great, re licentiousness and adultery 5T 144-5
       will arise CW 152
    last great, soon to open before men GC 593
    many persons will drift from one, to another Ev 362
    masterly, Satan putting forth power in presenting TM 219
    most attractive, to souls lifted up to vanity Satan opens MM 95
    new, Satan is still to devise EW 221
    no greater, than self-confident spirit 1T 333