EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Deliverance faith that waits for, in God’s appointed time and way PK 387    [32]
       will provide, today as in past TMK 342.3
    gospel brings UL 309.2
    harassed souls receive, by light from Christ’s face HP 297.2
    Israelites sought, with repentance in time of Deborah RC 329.2
    obedience is, from passion and impulse HP 259.5
    promise of,
       from any tempest to those crying to Jesus RC 278.6
       when Satan has ensnared all possible UL 365.6
    remnant plead for, through Jesus their Advocate Mar 213.3
    sensed by Ellen White for deceived souls UL 350.5
    wicked and righteous known in the day of FW 115.2
    See also Sin, deliverance from