EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Church building, Church buildings 1T 196-7    [145]
    God meets with His people in, and blesses them 5T 494
    holding temperance meetings in Te 219
    humble: is acknowledged of God 6T 363
       need of Ev 377;6T 100-1;
       needed where believers are few 5T 269
       new converts seen helping to erect GW 435
       newly organized church needs Ev 379
       vision re workmen erecting GW 435
       when SDA began to erect TM 26
    irreverence in See Church service; Irreverence; Reverence
    is: God’s property 9T 248
       sanctuary for congregational worship 5T 491
    keep, in very best condition CS 261-2
    lack of, SDA are ridiculed because of 6T 100
    left in debt dishonors God PP 344
    lifting debts on CS 259-65
    lifting of debt from, thanksgiving service at time of 6T 104
    magnificent, pride and love of display that demands COL 298;PK 565;
    maintenance of, tithe must not be used for 9T 248
    many, will ever be small because men place their own interests above God’s 5T 269