EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Church building, Church buildings 1T 196-7    [145]
       where souls are converted and established in truth WM 260
       with nicety but not extravagance Ev 378
    erection of Ev 377-81;4aSG 6-7;6T 100-4;
       appeal for funds to help in LS 363;6T 101;
       borrowing of money for, may be proper sometimes CS 262, 279;6T 101;
       by Roman Catholics to secure God’s favor SR 332
       cheap material should not be used in Ev 378
       church members should help in Ev 379
       devotion and liberality that should be manifest in PP 344
       economy is needed in 6T 101-2
       every member should carry responsibility in CS 262
       example of prompt, united, and persistent effort in CS 263-4
       faith and trust in God needed in 4T 77
       financing of 6T 101-2
       freewill offerings should be given for 4aSG 6-7
       God wants His people to use their means to help in CS 45;9T 57;
       greater interest should be shown in, than in erecting our own home 2T 257
       how to increase 7T 27-8
       instance of, completed in seven weeks CS 264-5
       interest and zeal needed in 4aSG 6