EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Church, Churches   [2692]
    many believers in, cut off from family and friends by persecution AA 70
    members of, possessions freely sacrificed by CS 41
    membership of, many classes of people of various nationalities composed AA 87
    mighty work accomplished by ChS 254
    missionaries of, miraculous gift of tongues given to 5T 391
    multitudes won to Christ by 5T 166
    new phases of doctrine urged upon AA 580
    newly organized, commended to God by Paul and Barnabas AA 187
    Nicodemus came to defense of, in time of need AA 104-5
    Nicodemus used his wealth to sustain DA 177
       at Jerusalem in advancing gospel work AA 105
    officers were appointed in each AA 185, 206
    onward progress of, nothing could withstand AA 91
    opening labors of, hardship and bitter grief attended AA 595
    ordinances of Christianity were uncorrupted by device of men in 5T 166
    organization of: after model pattern of Jerusalem church AA 91-2
       further perfection of, when many groups of believers were organized throughout world AA 91-2
       in Lycaonia and Pisidia AA 185, 205-6
       John was exiled to Patmos more than half a century after AA 568
    outpouring of Spirit upon, results of AA 35-56;ML 36, 61;5T 239;7T 31-5;