EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Chronology and time relationships   [469]
    earth is now only about 6,000 years old 3SG 92
    earth was created in: six days PP 47
       six literal days PP 112;Ed 128-9;3SG 90-3;TM 135-6;
    earth’s age is not millions of years Ed 128-30;PP 111-2;
    Egypt was visited by plagues 400 years after vision given to Abraham PP 267;3SG 229;SR 120;
    eighth day of Feast of Tabernacles was observed as holy convocation PP 540
    eighth day was added to Feast of Tabernacles PP 540
    Eli died more than 100 years before prophecy of Jer. 26:4-6 was given PK 415-6
    Elisha went in and out of Bethel for 50 years 5T 44;PK 236;
    Enoch sought purity of heart 300 years GW 53
    Enoch walked with God 300 years GC 299;GW 51, 53;PP 87;2T 121;8T 329-31;
       after birth of his first son PP 84-5;8T 329;
    Enoch was 65 years old when his first son was born GW 51;PP 84;8T 329;
    every seventh year was: called sabbatical year in Israel PP 531
       year of release from debt for poor Israelites PP 532
    Exodus of Israel from Egypt occurred 400 years after Abraham’s vision of Gen. 15:12-14 DA 32;FE 287;PP 137, 281-2;3SG 229;SR 120;8T 207;
    experience of apostles during 10 days between Christ’s ascension and Pentecost 8T 15
    Ezekiel’s message in sixth year of Zedekiah’s reign PK 448
    Ezra and his people arrived in Jerusalem on first day of fifth month of seventh year of Artaxerxes I (Longimanus) PK 617
    Ezra returned to Jerusalem from Babylon more than 70 years after Zerubbabel did PK 618