EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Butter animal appetite strengthened by 2T 486    [42]
    intellect enfeebled by CH 114
    nerves excited by CH 114
    no safety in using, God will reveal when there will be CD 206, 353, 359, 367
       soon there will be 7T 135
    not best for health CD 352
    not proper food for children 2T 362;3T 136;
    on cold bread CD 350;MH 302;
    question of using, settled for EGW CD 351, 357
       will work out its problem CD 206, 353, 367
    positive testimony against, borne by JW and EGW in their work in presenting the health message 3T 21
    potatoes fried in, objectionable CD 323, 354
    purest, use only CD 351, 357, 490
    stimulates 2T 486
    stomach injured by CH 114;2T 486;
    substitute for, health-food business should provide CD 350
       olives as MH 298;7T 134;
    taste perverted by 2T 486
    teach people how to prepare food without 7T 135
    unnecessary where fruit and sterilized cream abound MM 269
    See also Grease; Lard; Oil; Olive oil