EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Burden, Burdens borne for Christ, who pronounce light the SL 82    [109]
    lightened by promises OHC 10.2
    manufacture of, that Christ has not laid upon us RC 367.7
    many gather, that God did not give them RC 292.9
    necessary, yoke of Christ will help carry TMK 120.2
    Paul carried, for the churches CC 353.2
    peace and strength from Christ for TMK 92.5
    prayers are, to God when long and spiritless TDG 285.2
    refusing Christ’s help and clinging to TMK 225.6
    relief from,
       coming to Jesus as a child to parents LHU 277.2
       does not come by sharing them UL 359.3
       words of enemies therefore don’t move us RC 351.3
    roll, on the Burden Bearer as in Daniel’s prayer TMK 271.4
    Satan pleased when you talk about OHC 86.4
    seek grace to lighten, instead of murmuring about them OHC 147.3
    selfishness binds heavy, which might be changed TMK 121.3
    study of Scripture should not be neglected because of TDG 150.5
    sympathy and kindness would lift HP 207.4
       to Christ instead of to a third person TMK 282.3