EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Burden, Burdens borne for Christ, who pronounce light the SL 82    [109]
       Christ’s, in buying eternal treasure TMK 83.3
       one another’s TDG 274.3
       others’ TDG 160.6
       speaking comforting words LHU 148.4
       today’s, bravely HP 269.4
    bring, to the Lord if you love Him; trust not in humans TDG 82.3
    Christ bears/bore/takes/took,
       as you abide in Him HP 55.2
       cares and will accept your OHC 312.4
       He was addressed as a tried stone OHC 54.3
       if we take His yoke and learn of Him RC 367.4
       invites us to come with, for rest TDG 63.4
       is ready to bear RC 367.3
       not humans, to be given our LHU 55.4
       offers companionship to those bringing TMK 320.3
       pities those who are called to bear greater SW 12.0
       shared, and repeated lessons about God HP 181.3;3SM 238.0;
       which we are asked to bear FLB 249.3;TDG 166.2;
    cling more firmly to Jesus as, grows heavier OHC 317.3