EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Building, Buildings   [110]
       guard against extravagance or improvidence in 7T 92
       large outlay of money not to be put into 7T 91
    investing means in, character not given to God’s work by 7T 92
    laying plans for, divine wisdom needed in CS 280
    lofty, in cities Ev 27
    men of common sense appreciate comfort above elegance in 7T 93
    miserable and out-of-the-way, not desirable as place of worship 5T 269
    money required to complete, need not all be in hand before work begins CS 280
    money spent for gratification of pride in, how to use CS 299
    money too largely used for, in America Ev 523
    most magnificent, that world ever saw GC 23
    needed in many localities 8T 60
    of homes MH 274-5
    of mansion CG 165
    parts of, illustration from Ev 103
    plans for, brought to camp meeting detract from its benefits 2T 597
    preparation of material for, illustration of LS 306, 323;TM 464;
    pride of spending money on, results of AH 370
    rent no, to dealers in intoxicating liquor Te 204
    rented, for starting sanitarium work in cities MM 323