EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Atonement   [70]
    faith in,
       holds believer amid temptations TMK 79.2
       realizing OHC 203.3
    for humanity UL 219.4
    full and complete OHC 136.4
    full, required HP 15.2
    God’s glory and law understood only through TDG 246.3
    hearts touched by story of UL 342.5
    helplessness without, impossible to conceive HP 36.2
    human as, would be imperfect LHU 24.4
    immovable amid temptations by faith in LHU 331.2
    made by the gift of the Son of the infinite God TDG 257.5
    made for every repenting, believing soul TMK 100.5
    means of, known in heaven; but we are slow to share TDG 51.3
    moral power through, used for us FLB 134.6
    obedience to God’s law is appropriating UL 196.2
    offenses without, under the old covenant TMK 299.4
    only by Christ UL 106.6
    perfect, in Christ’s offering on the cross LHU 319.3
    perfection in Christ now in the time of Mar 275.2