EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Ark of Covenant (Testament)   [134]
    in King Saul’s camp PP 622
    David’s first effort to move, to Jerusalem MH 436;PP 704-6;4aSG 111;SR 191-2;8T 284;
    in Obed-edom’s house PP 705;4aSG 111-2;SR 192;
    David’s removal of PP 706-8;4aSG 113;SR 192-3;5T 318;8T 284;
       to tent at Jerusalem PP 708-11;4aSG 113;SR 193;
    not with sanctuary at Gibeah PP 711
    at Jerusalem during David’s flight from Absalom PP 731-5
    in Solomon’s temple 2BC 1030;PK 38;4aSG 113-4;SR 193-4;
    hidden in cave in Jeremiah’s time 1BC 1109;PK 453;4aSG 115;SR 195;
    not in second temple GC 24;PK 597;
3. Heavenly
    Aaron’s rod that budded is in EW 32;LS 100;
    ark on earth represented GC 415;PP 356;
    ark on earth was patterned after 4aSG 8;SR 153-4, 377;
    attention drawn to the law in, before Christ comes Mar 170.4
    called ark of God’s testament GC 433;SR 377, 379;
    cover of See Mercy seat