EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Appearance, Appearances   [59]
       too much time spent by youth on MYP 345
       we may deny Christ in 1T 304
    persons governed by, not good judges of what God does 3T 67
    persons trying to keep up AH 151
       be neat and attractive in CH 102
       make the best of 6T 96
    pride of 3T 335;4T 576;
       among SDA EW 120
       flee from TDG 295.4;UL 300.5;
       goes when carnal heart is changed 1T 162
    slack or untidy in, never be CH 102;Ev 672;
    studying the law of God as critically as TMK 295.2
    success depends on God rather than on TDG 26.3
    time and money squandered for 2MCP 381.1
    time spent for, instead of inward adorning TMK 312.3
    victories not measured by, but by goodness, etc. TDG 199.5
    world judges us by our 6T 397
    See also Clothing; Dress