EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Apostles   [146]
    first five, call of DA 138-42
    fishermen called to be fishers of men CT 511-2;DA 244-51, 810-1;
    four of,
       called by sea DA 244-51;GW 24;
       to act leading part Ed 86
    God’s purpose in appointing TM 406
    grievances of DA 296
    highest place sought by DA 548-9, 643-4
    invited to come apart and rest DA 359-63
    jealousy and contention among DA 643
    John the youngest of AA 545
    lesson in humility and service taught to DA 644-5
    meaning of message of, mistaken by them GC 348-9
    men of natural ability CT 511
    misconceptions of Christ’s mission held by DA 379;GC 348-9;
    most of Christ’s miracles witnessed by DA 292
    office and mission of AA 19;DA 291;
    ordination of DA 290-7
       by dedicatory prayer and laying on of hands DA 296