EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Angel, Angels   [2075]
    wheels removed from Pharaoh’s chariots by 3SG 235;SR 124;
    will of God communicated to Israel by 4aSG 67
    wrappings loosed from Christ’s body by DA 789
    Zerubbabel and his people aided by PK 571
2. Amazement and interest of
    character transformation by Christ causes 5T 731;7T 16;TM 18, 49-50;
    Christ’s birth excited GC 313-4
    Christ’s condescension in becoming our Saviour excited 5BC 1127;FE 85;
    Christ’s crucifixion excited SR 223, 225
    Christ’s deeds of love and compassion excited 5BC 1090
    Christ’s love for sinful men excited 7T 225, 266
    Christ’s resurrection excited EW 181
    Christ’s suffering and death excited DA 753;EW 216;
    Christians doing so little for Christ excite 4T 475
    failure on our part to carry truth to dark places excites 9T 44
    failure to share blessings causes 6T 425
    giving of advent message excites GC 373
    God’s love for sinful man excited 4T 293;TM 246;
    health institutions excite CH 342;7T 58-9;
    Jewish indifference when Christ was born excited DA 44