EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Adversity   [42]
    Joseph bore test in Ed 52;MM 37;PP 222;3SG 176;SR 103;4T 544;
    Joseph prepared by, for exalted position 3SG 146
    leaders of God’s work sustained in PK 174
    meditated acts of benevolence cut off by 4T 81-2
    ministers who fail in 2T 514-5
    persons faithful in, have fallen under allurements of prosperity CS 139
    power of Christ remembered in times of RC 352.6
    power sufficient to sustain and control us in CT 226;5T 314;
    prayer and good example possible under HP 299.4
    professed Christians purged from church by 4T 89
    prosperity is more dangerous than CS 139, 148;MH 212;3T 417;
    qualities needed in 4T 656
    reaction to AH 248
    resolves made in, failure to carry out 2T 279
    retribution for oppressing the poor 2T 158
    robbing God followed by CS 90;5T 281-2;
    savings to be made for time of 3T 30
    school of, lessons taught in 2T 106-8, 275
    self-control and patience in 3SG 176;SR 103;
    testing of men by, God’s method of 3T 547