Chapter 26
8L. Wonders Showed God′s Power—The Lord brought up His people from their long servitude in a signal manner, giving the Egyptians an opportunity to exhibit the feeble wisdom of their mighty men, and array the power of their gods in opposition to the God of heaven. The Lord showed them by His servant Moses that the Maker of the heavens and the earth is the living and all-powerful God, above all gods. That His strength was mightier than the strongest—that OMNIPOTENCE could bring forth His people with a high hand and with an out-stretched arm. The signs and miracles performed in the presence of Pharaoh were not given for his benefit alone, but for the advantage of God′s people, to give them more clear and exalted views of God, and that all Israel should fear Him, and be willing and anxious to leave Egypt, and choose the service of the true and merciful God. Had it not been for these wonderful manifestations, many would have been satisfied to remain in Egypt rather than to journey through the wilderness (Spiritual Gifts 3:204, 205). (1BC 1120.1)
16L. Withhold Nothing—There must be no withholding on our part, of our service or our means, if we would fulfill our covenant with God [Deuteronomy 26:16 quoted]. The purpose of all God′s commandments is to reveal man′s duty not only to God, but to his fellow man. In this late age of the world′s history, we are not, because of the selfishness of our hearts, to question or dispute the right of God to make these requirements, or we will deceive ourselves, and rob our souls of the richest blessings of the grace of God. Heart and mind and soul are to be merged in the will of God. Then the covenant, framed from the dictates of infinite wisdom, and made binding by the power and authority of the King of kings and Lord of lords, will be our pleasure. God will have no controversy with us in regard to these binding precepts. It is enough that He has said that obedience to His statutes and laws is the life and prosperity of His people (Manuscript 67, 1907). (1BC 1120.2)
18L (Romans 6:3, 4L). Mutual Pledge and Mutual Blessing—The blessings of God′s covenant are mutual [Deuteronomy 26:18 quoted].... (1BC 1120.3)
By our baptismal pledge we avouched and solemnly confessed the Lord Jehovah as our Ruler. We virtually took a solemn oath, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, that henceforth our lives would be merged into the life of these three great Agencies, that the life we should live in the flesh would be lived in faithful obedience to God′s sacred law. We declared ourselves dead, and our life hid with Christ in God, that henceforth we should walk with Him in newness of life, as men and women having experienced the new birth. We acknowledged God′s covenant with us, and pledged ourselves to seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. By our profession of faith we acknowledged the Lord as our God, and yielded ourselves to obey His commandments. By obedience to God′s Word we testify before angels and men that we live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God (Ibid.). (1BC 1120.4)