〉 Lynn, Massachusetts, Wednesday, December 17, 1890
Lynn, Massachusetts, Wednesday, December 17, 1890
In the forenoon wrote letters to different ones at Battle Creek. In the afternoon received a number of visitors. One sister is a believer. Her husband does not believe the truth. He at first opposed her but he senses a great change in her and this has a convincing power with him.... (MR1033 45.4)
I spoke Wednesday night. The rainstorm prevented many from attending, for the windows of heaven seemed to be opened and pouring out their treasures of rain. I had much freedom in speaking from John 17:17, “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”—Manuscript 52, 1890, 3, 5 (Diary 16, pp. 406, 409). (MR1033 45.5)