Remembering One’s Own Mistakes
Let no one be sharp and dictatorial in his dealing with God’s workers. Let those who are inclined to censure remember that they have made mistakes as grievous as those they condemn in others. Let them bow in contrition before God, asking His pardon for the sharp speeches they have made and the unguarded spirit they have revealed. Remember that God hears every word you speak, and that as you judge, you will be judged. (MR311 31.3)
Christ is pleading the case of every tempted soul, but while He is doing this, many of His people are grieving Him by taking their stand with 32Satan to accuse their brethren, pointing to their polluted garments. (MR311 31.4)
Let not the criticized ones become discouraged; for while their brethren are condemning them, Christ is saying of them, “I have graven them upon the palms of My hands. By creation and redemption they are Mine.”—Manuscript 143, 1902 (Portion in Evangelism, 633-4) (MR311 32.1)