Give the Workers Freedom
To all our ministers I would say, Encourage your brethren to connect with you in your labors. All the gifts and talents of the church are to be set to work. Let all desire on the part of any to have a controlling power be put away. There has been danger with some of marking out exactly 30what this or that man should do. Let the Lord do this work, and guide His own servants. “We are laborers together with God; ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.” Give the Lord room to work human minds. (MR311 29.4)
Give the workers abundant freedom to work out the plans of God in harmony with their brethren. This will save much overwork for the few. Let the strong traits of character that would lead to the control of others be subdued by the grace of Christ. “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.”—The Review and Herald, April 23, 1908. (MR311 30.1)