Chapter 18—Southern California Conference to Help
“As the President and Executive Committee of the Southern California Conference unite with Brother ----- and his associates in planning for the thorough accomplishment of the Sanitarium and school work at Loma Linda, they will find strength and blessing. Brother ----- is not to be bound about in his work. (PH095 24.1)
“Pray to the Lord, my brethren, council together, and then labor unitedly to help in establishing the work which we all so greatly desire shall not be hindered. (PH095 24.2)
“The work of higher education has been greatly hindered because men and women have not discerned spiritual things as they should. We should know the facts that are of weight in making decisions. (PH095 24.3)
“All our brethren are to be sober minded and cautious. Those who hold office need the ability to view every matter wisely. We are all to be workers together with God.” (PH095 24.4)