Isaiah 4:2
Isaiah 4:2 In that day shall the branch of the Lord be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel. 6 I MC VC
Isaiah 11:1
Isaiah 11:1 And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: 2 I MC VC
Isaiah 53:2
Isaiah 53:2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. 14 I MC VC
Isaiah 61:3, 11
Isaiah 61:3 To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified. 7 I MC VC
Isaiah 61:11 For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth; so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations. 4 I MC VC
1 Corinthians 3:6~9
1 Corinthians 3:6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. 3 I MC VC
1 Corinthians 3:7 So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. 10 I MC VC
1 Corinthians 3:8 Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. 10 I MC VC
1 Corinthians 3:9 For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building. 13 I MC VC