1. Borrowing Matthew 6:25-34, Mark 5:35, 36, John 14:1, 16:6, 7, Philippians 4:6, 1 Peter 5:7
   See Affliction; Suffering
2. Instances Of
   Israelites at the Red Sea, Exodus 14:10-12
    about water, Exodus 15:23-25, 17:2, 3, Numbers 20:1-13
    food, Exodus 16:2, 3, Numbers 11:4-33
   When Moses waited upon the mountain, Exodus 32:1
   When the spies brought their adverse report, Numbers 13:28, 29, 31-33, 14:1-4, Numbers 14:4-12
   Elijah, under the juniper tree and in the cave, 1 Kings 19:4-15
   The disciples, as to how the multitude could be fed, Matthew 14:15, Mark 6:37
    during the squall, when Jesus was asleep in the boat, Matthew 8:23-26, Mark 4:36-39, Luke 8:22-24
    when Jesus was crucified, Luke 24:4-9, 24-31, 36-40
   Mary at the gravesite of Jesus, John 20:11-17
   The people in the shipwreck, Acts 27:22-25, 30-36