1. Trees of Life and Knowledge Genesis 2:9, 17, 3:3, 24, Revelation 22:2
2. Rainbow Genesis 9:12, 13
3. Circumcision
   Of the covenant of Abraham, Genesis 17:11, Romans 4:11
4. Passover
   Of the sparing of the firstborn, and of the atonement made by Christ, Exodus 12:3-28, 1 Corinthians 5:7
5. Of the Divine Presence
   The pillar of cloud, Exodus 13:21, 22, 14:19, 20, 19:9, 16
   thunder on Mount Sinai, Exodus 19:9, 16
6. Darkness
   Of God's inscrutability, Exodus 20:21, Leviticus 16:2, 1 Kings 8:12, Psalm 18:11, 97:2, Hebrews 12:18, 19
7. The Rock That Was Struck
   Of Christ, Exodus 17:6, 1 Corinthians 10:4
8. The Sprinkled Blood
   Of the covenant, Exodus 24:8
9. Wine
   Of the atoning blood, Matthew 26:27-29, Mark 14:23-25, Luke 22:17, 18, 20
10. The Bronze Serpent
   Of Christ, Numbers 21:8, 9, John 3:14
11. Sacrificial Animals Genesis 15:8-11, John 1:29, 36
12. Waving the Wave Offering
   And lifting up the heave offering, Exodus 29:24-28, Leviticus 8:27-29, 9:21
13. The Whole System of Mosaic Rites Hebrews 9:9, 10, 18-23
14. Tabernacle Psalm 15:1, Ezekiel 37:27, Hebrews 8:2, 5, 9:1-12, 23, 24
15. Sanctuary Psalm 20:2
16. Canaan
   Of the spiritual rest, Hebrews 3:11, 12, 4:5
17. Salt Numbers 18:19
18. Offering Water to Drink Genesis 24:13-15, 42-44
19. Lapping Water Judges 7:4-8
20. Invitation to Approach 1 Samuel 14:8-12
21. Bow-Shot
   By Jonathan, 1 Samuel 20:21-37
   by Joash, 2 Kings 13:15-19
22. Men Meeting Saul 1 Samuel 10:2-7
23. Rain and Thunder 1 Samuel 12:16-18
24. The Torn Altar 1 Kings 13:3, 5
25. The Tearing of the Curtain in the Temple Matthew 27:51, Mark 1:38, Luke 23:45
26. Wounding 1 Kings 20:35-40
27. Praying toward the Temple 1 Kings 8:29, Daniel 6:10
28. Harvest 2 Kings 19:29
29. Isaiah's Children Isaiah 8:18
30. Nakedness Isaiah 20:2-4
31. Almond Rod Jeremiah 1:11
32. Sticks and Staves Ezekiel 37:16, 17, Zechariah 11:7, 10, 11, 14
33. Food 2 Kings 19:29, Isaiah 37:30
34. Shadow on Ahaz' Sun-Dial 2 Kings 20:8-11, Isaiah 38:7, 8
35. Cooking Jeremiah 1:13, Ezekiel 4:9-15, 24:3-5
36. Belt Jeremiah 13:1-7, Acts 21:11
37. Bottles Jeremiah 13:12, 19:1, 2, 10
38. Breaking of a Potter's Vessel Jeremiah 19:1-15
39. Good and Bad Figs Jeremiah 24:1-10
40. Basket of Fruit Jeremiah 24:1-3, Amos 8:1, 2
41. Wine Jeremiah 25:15-17, Matthew 26:27, Mark 14:23, Luke 22:17
42. Yokes Jeremiah 27:2, 3, 28:10
43. Jeremiah's Deeds of Land Jeremiah 32:1-16
44. The Book Thrown into the Euphrates River Jeremiah 51:63
45. Being Mute Ezekiel 3:26, 27, 24:27, 29:21, 33:22, Luke 1:20-22, 62-64
46. A Siege Ezekiel 4:1-3
47. Posture Ezekiel 4:4-8
48. Ceremonially Unclean Food Ezekiel 4:9-17
49. Ezekiel's Beard Ezekiel 5:1-4
50. Change of Domicile Ezekiel 12:3-11
51. Eating Bread with Alertness Ezekiel 12:17-20
52. Eating and Drinking in Fear Ezekiel 12:18
53. A Vine Ezekiel 15:2, 19:10-14
54. Death Ezekiel 24:16-19
55. A Boiling Pot Ezekiel 24:1-5
56. Mourning Forbidden Ezekiel 24:15-18
57. Two Sticks Ezekiel 37:15-28
58. Handwriting on the Wall Daniel 5:5, 6, 16-28
59. The Plumb-Line Amos 7:7, 8
60. Marrying a Whore Hosea 1:2-9, 3:1-4
61. Roll Zechariah 5:2-4
62. Ephah Zechariah 5:6-11
63. Jonas Matthew 16:4, Luke 11:29, 30
64. The Star in the East Matthew 2:2
65. The Rock That Was Struck 1 Corinthians 10:4, Exodus 17:6
66. Salt Colossians 4:6
67. Bread Matthew 26:26, Mark 14:22, Luke 22:19
68. Childhood Matthew 18:3, Mark 10:14, 15, Luke 18:16, 17
69. Manna John 6:31-58
70. Of the Holy Spirit
   WATER, John 3:5, 7:38, 39
    cleansing by, Ezekiel 16:9, 36:25, Ephesians 5:26, Hebrews 10:22
    vivifying, Psalm 1:3, Isaiah 27:3, 6, 44:3, 4, 58:11
   FIRE, Matthew 3:11
    purifying, Isaiah 4:4, Malachi 3:2, 3
    illuminating, Exodus 13:21, Psalm 78:14
    searching, Zephaniah 1:12, 1 Corinthians 2:10
   WIND, Song of Solomon 4:16
    incomprehensible, John 3:8, 1 Corinthians 12:11
    powerful, 1 Kings 19:11, Acts 2:2
    sensible in its effects, John 3:8
    reviving, Ezekiel 37:9, 10, 14
   OIL, Psalm 45:7
    healing, Isaiah 1:6, Luke 10:34, Revelation 18:13
    comforting, Isaiah 61:3, Hebrews 1:9
    illuminating, Zechariah 4:2, 3, 11-13, Matthew 25:3, 4, 1 John 2:20, 27
    consecrating, Exodus 29:7, 30:30, Isaiah 61:1
   RAIN AND DEW, Psalm 72:6
    fertilizing, Ezekiel 34:26, 27, Hosea 6:3, 10:12, 14:5
    refreshing, Psalm 68:9, Isaiah 18:4
    abundant, Psalm 133:3
    imperceptible, 2 Samuel 17:12, Mark 4:26-28
   A DOVE, Matthew 3:16
   A VOICE, Isaiah 6:8
    speaking, Matthew 10:20
    guiding, Isaiah 30:21, John 16:13
    warning, Hebrews 3:7-11
   A SEAL, Revelation 7:2
    impressing, Job 38:14, 2 Corinthians 3:18
    earnest, Ephesians 1:13, 14, 4:30, 2 Corinthians 1:22
   CLOVEN TONGUES (like split, lashing, projections of fire), Acts 2:3, 6, 11
   For symbolisms of color, see COLORS., See Also Allegory; Instruction, By Symbols; Instruction, Of Children; Instruction, In Religion