1. The Wife of a King 1 Kings 11:19
2. Crowned Esther 1:11, 2:17
3. Divorced Esther 1:10-22
4. Sits on the Throne with the King Nehemiah 2:6
5. Makes Feasts for the Women of the Royal Household Esther 1:9
6. Exerts an Evil Influence in Public Affairs
   See Jezebel
7. Counsels the King Daniel 5:10-12
8. Of Sheba
   Visits Solomon, 1 Kings 10:1-13
9. Candace
   Of Ethiopia, Acts 8:27
10. The Reigning Sovereign, Athaliah
   See Athaliah
11. The Moon Was Called
   "Queen of Heaven," Jeremiah 7:18, 44:7-19, 25
   Worshiped, See IDOLATRY