1. Evanescent Job 20:8
   Vanity of, Ecclesiastes 5:3, 7
2. Revelations By Numbers 12:6, Jeremiah 23:28, Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17
   The dreams of the butler and baker, Genesis 40:8-23
   Pharaoh, Genesis 41:1-36
3. Interpreted By
   Joseph, Genesis 40:12, 13, 18, 19, 41:25-32
   Daniel, Daniel 2:16-23, 28-30, 4
   Delusive, Isaiah 29:7, 8
4. Revelations Through
   False prophets pretended to receive revelations through, Deuteronomy 13:1-5, Jeremiah 23:25-32, 27:9, 29:8, Zechariah 10:2
   See Vision
5. Instances Of
   Of Abimelech, concerning Sarah, Genesis 20:3
   Of Jacob, concerning the ladder, Genesis 28:12
    the ring-straked cattle, Genesis 31:10-13
    concerning his going down into Egypt, Genesis 46:2
   Of Laban, concerning Jacob, Genesis 31:24
   Of Joseph, concerning the sheaves, Genesis 37:5-10
   Of the Midianite concerning the cake of barley, Judges 7:13
   Of Solomon, concerning his choice of wisdom, 1 Kings 3:3-15
   Of Eliphaz, of a spirit speaking to him, Job 4:12-21
   Of Daniel, concerning the four beasts, Daniel 7:1-28
   Of Joseph, concerning Mary's innocence, Matthew 1:20, 21
    concerning the flight into Egypt, Matthew 2:13
    concerning the return into Palestine, Matthew 2:19-22
   Of Pilate's wife, concerning Jesus, Matthew 27:19
   Cornelius vision, concerning Peter, Acts 10:3-6
   Peter's vision of the ceremonially unclean creatures, Acts 10:10-16
   Paul's vision of the man in Macedonia, crying, "Come over into Macedonia," Acts 16:9
    relating to his going to Rome, Acts 23:11
    concerning the shipwreck, and the safety of all on board, Acts 28:23, 24