Day of reckoning   [2]
Day schools See School  
Day-Star editor of, ran into spiritualism EW 77    [1]
Difficult place, Difficult places show that God can trust SDA in PP 622    [2]
Discourse in Six Dialogues, on the Name, Notion, and Observation of the Lord’s Day by Thomas H. Morer, quoted GC 575-7   
First day of week See Sunday  
Flock feeding God’s, exalted and sacred work 2T 221    [7]
High places   [1]
High place, High places Balaam offered sacrifices on PP 444    [6]
Historical and Practical Discourse on the Lord’s Day by Francis West, quoted GC 575   
History of the Sabbath and the First Day of the Week by J. N. Andrews 1T 667;3T 38-9;    [1]
Lazy day, Lazy days holidays are FE 317   
Leading Seventh-day Adventists action of, when God does not sustain TM 293-5    [18]
Lord’s day Bible points to seventh day as GC 447    [6]
Lord’s Day by A. E. Waffle, quoted GC 447   
Lost sheep parable of See Parable; Sheep, lost  
Market place, Market places ancient custom of men seeking employment to wait in COL 396    [2]
New Year’s Day celebration of, by helping the helpless AH 482    [5]
Order of the day men whose, is work, work, work 2T 663   
Out-of-way places Christ sowed gospel seed in Ev 47    [3]