Account book mistakes and victories daily written in MYP 44   
Bitter class who put, for sweet MM 142   
Bitter cup apportioned for us to drink,   [8]
Bitter feeling See Feeling  
Bitter thoughts fill not your mind with 7T 261   
Book, Books   [319]
Book advertising CW 147-8;9T 63;    [1]
Book and Bible House See Missionary society; Tract society  
Book and tract fund 1T 689-90    [1]
Book author, Book authors, Seventh-day Adventist ability of, talent given by God 7T 177    [7]
Book committee, Book committees members of, duties and essential qualifications of CW 155-6, 159-61;7T 160;TM 260-1;    [1]
Book cover, Book covers expensive, caution re CW 169-70    [1]
Book editor, Book editors responsibility of, solemn 7T 140    [1]
Book education heart education more important than 8T 311    [1]
Book embellishment, Book embellishments expensive, prayer does more to circulate books than 7T 158-9    [1]
Book fund needed to provide literature for the poor 1T 689-90    [1]
Book illustration, Book illustrations CW 167-76;7T 160;    [18]
Book knowledge alone, complete education consists of more than Ed 265;FE 538;    [19]
Book learning consecrated activity and perseverance worth more than 6T 178-9    [3]
Book manuscript, Book manuscripts examination of, by book committees CW 156, 159-61    [1]