Passionate word, Passionate words children should be taught to withhold CT 124    [3]
Passover lamb antitypical, Christ was DA 571;3SG 225;    [15]
Pettish word teachers should keep back the CT 195;FE 263;   
Prayer and testimony meeting as part of Sabbath services 6T 361   
Premature death See Death  
Prophetic word power of Pharaoh’s empire battled in vain against DA 32   
Provoking word, Provoking words what to do when tempted to speak AH 342-3   
Rash word, Rash words do not let self appear in GW 163   
Real Presence of the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Eucharist, Proved From Scripture by Nicholas P. Wiseman, quoted GC 59   
Reclusive life (lives) Christians are not to live GW 394    [1]
Right word See Word  
Sacrificial lamb Christ was represented physically as well as spiritually by MH 51    [3]
Scolding word, Scolding words make child cry much AH 436   
Selfish life, Selfish lives Christians should not live 3T 381   
Straight testimony renewal of, God calls for 8T 297   
Sympathizing word, Sympathizing words for the sorrowful, result in blessings to speaker 4T 56   
Testimony, living   [7]
Testimony, straight   [11]
Testimony, Testimonies, miscellaneous   [69]
Testimony, Testimonies, witnessing in meeting   [22]