Adventists, first-day .   [13]
Adventists, no-day . SDA abused by 3T 572   
Angel, Angels, evil   [55]
Angry words   [4]
Anticipated evil, Anticipated evils brooding over, unwise and unchristian 5T 200   
Anticipation of evil some people always given to PP 293   
Arbitrary words and actions heart’s worst passions stirred up by 6T 134   
Atonement, Day of   [63]
Bitter thoughts fill not your mind with 7T 261   
Books, Seventh-day Adventist   [243]
Book author, Book authors, Seventh-day Adventist ability of, talent given by God 7T 177    [7]
Chaste word, Chaste words Christian must use, in conversation 2T 304   
Cheerful word, Cheerful words beneficial like medicine 2SM 430    [4]
Cheering word, Cheering words gospel workers need our EW 106   
Cheery word, Cheery words cost no more than unpleasant ones CG 147   
Child of day, Children of day few people can be called 5T 10   
Christmas Day Christ’s birth commemorated on AH 477-8;MYP 311;   
Coronation day Christ’s 4BC 1157;SD 347;    [1]
Covetous thought, Covetous thoughts God reads, of every heart CS 87   
Dark day (May 19, 1780), described GC 306-8    [4]