Wednesday(9.2), New Testament Small Groups
 The New Testament church exploded in growth. In a few short years it grew from a small group of believers to tens of thousands of worshipers. There were many factors that contributed to this influx of believers and this rapid growth phenomenon. Jesus’ ministry sowed the seed of the gospel and prepared the multitudes to accept the preaching of the disciples. After Christ’s ascension, the Holy Spirit descended mightily on the day of Pentecost on the praying, believing disciples. One of the contributing factors for the rapid growth of the New Testament church was their small group organizational structure. Small groups made a difference.

 Read Acts 18:1-5 and Acts 20:1-4. Why do you think Luke listed some of the names of those with whom Paul worked closely?

 It is fascinating to notice that Luke mentions some of the names of those with whom Paul worked. To him each one was important. He knew them by name. They mutually supported one another in their outreach ministry. Though the number of names he mentioned was small, that helps prove the point about the importance of working closely with each other, even in small numbers.

 Each one of these people surely had gifts that were different from those that others possessed. They came from different backgrounds and cultures. Their ways of looking at things were not always the same, but each one had a valuable contribution to make to the cause of Christ. Their diversities of gifts, backgrounds, and experiences contributed to the growth of the church. They each contributed to the mission of Christ from the richness of their own background and personal experience with Jesus.

 Compare Acts 16:11-15, 40; and Acts 12:11, 12. What invitation did Lydia give to Paul immediately after her conversion? Where did both Paul and Peter go after being delivered from prison?

 The New Testament believers regularly met in homes. Christian homes became centers of influence and the heart of small group ministry.

 Have you thought about beginning a small group ministry in your home or joining with a friend to begin a small group ministry in that person’s home? If you are already part of a small group ministry, think about what you can share with your Sabbath School class this week about its benefits.